Risk Assessment and Management

Risk Assessment and Management

  • Accounting
RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT (5 Days) COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of the course, participants should be able to: • Understand the concept of risk and its importance in organizational decision-making • Identify the key steps involved in a risk assessment process • Develop risk mitigation strategies and implement risk controls • Understand the principles of enterprise risk management (ERM) • Apply best practices in risk assessment and management to their own work COURSE OUTLINES: DAY ONE: Session One: Introduction to Strategic Planning • Introduction to Risk Assessment and Management • Understanding risk and its importance in organizational decision-making • Types of risks and their sources Session Two: • Principles of risk assessment and management • Key components of a risk management framework DAY TWO: Session One: Risk Assessment Techniques • Key steps involved in a risk assessment process • Risk identification techniques Session Two: • Risk analysis and evaluation techniques • Impact and likelihood assessment DAY THREE: Session One: Risk Management Strategies • Key elements of a risk management plan • Risk mitigation strategies and control implementation Session Two: • Monitoring and reviewing risk management activities • Communication and reporting in risk management DAY FOUR: Session One: Enterprise Risk Management • Principles of enterprise risk management (ERM) • Key components of an ERM framework Session Two: • Applying ERM principles to an organizational context • Role of ERM in strategic planning DAY FIVE: Session One: Case Studies and Best Practices • Case studies of successful risk assessment and management Session Two: • Best practices in risk assessment and management • Group discussion and sharing of experiences and insights

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Course Features

  • Duration : 5 Days
  • Date : Dec 1, 2024
  • Sessions : 10
  • Language : Bilingual
  • Location : PMEC Premises
Price : 4550 L.E