Failure is Your Way of Success.
ISPN 978-977-337-581-2
Author Dr. Nabiha Gaber

There are two sides to failure. A group that considers failure to be a stumbling block to success, learning from mistakes and moving forward strongly to achieve the goal. Another group, considering it a setback and afraid of it and never trying to change and considering itself a failure in life! How to deal with failure determines the success rate in what you seek. The fastest way to succeed is to learn from failure, not to analyze what went wrong or to regret the initiative you have taken. In order to succeed, you must have a greater desire to succeed than your fear of failure. We live in an era where there is tremendous pressure by focusing on success, what is the best way to succeed, think outside the box, experiment, and take risks! A positive approach is the only way to overcome failure, know that you are human beings who can mistake or fail, it is important to learn from experience, navigate the path of success and overcome obstacles.