
Training Specialist Skills - The Nine Skills
Dr. Abdel-Rahman Tawfik Ahmed
Hard Copy: 240 L.E
Leader and Director in the Age of Globalization and Change
Dr. Abdel-Rahman Tawfik Ahmed
Hard Copy: 288 L.E
NLP for Effective Trainer
Ted Garratt
Hard Copy: 288 L.E
The Leadership Personality, Intellectually and in action
Dr. Abdel-Rahman Tawfik Ahmed
Hard Copy: 320 L.E
Seven Skills for Success (Bottom-up)
Dr. Abdel-Rahman Tawfik Ahmed
Hard Copy: 288 L.E
Student Services
Dr. Gawaher El-Qanadely
Hard Copy: 240 L.E
Security Risk Management at Industrial Facilities
Mr. Sherif El-Samahy
Hard Copy: 288 L.E